565 villages have seen a decline in population by 50% since 2011. Experts say that migration leads to abandonment of villages which causes degradation of land, makes villages unlivable, and further fuels migration.

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Health Survey

The HIMAID health survey covered an area of 50 villages. These villages are located at an altitude of 6000 feet. It has been an interesting venture and many home truths have emerged. Most of the male population in these villages has left for work in cities as far as Mumbai. Elderly males and young boys live here. The women are the main caregivers and care takers. The writ of the matriarch in the families holds sway. The most common complaint was chronic cough in both men and women, brought about by smoking and carbon inhalation from cooking over wood fires. Low backache was another common complaint of the villagers. The personal hygiene among women was poor and a majority of them had menstrual complaints. It was observed that most folks had poor dental hygiene. Eye and ear complaints were common as well. People continue to use wood as a primary source for cooking, in-spite of all households having cooking gas connections. This is one of the main causes of chronic bronchitis in the region. The overall health of the children in the region was good and most of them were attending educational institutions. Medical infrastructure is not adequate and the villagers travel to medical centers in Dehradun and Vikas Nagar, a distance of 100 kilometres. Emergency care is lacking. The health survey is an ongoing campaign but needs funding to spread a wider net.


Game Changers

We are a group of ladies who are committed to empower women and girls, living in these hard to reach rural hilly areas. We have the tools to enable women to be independent, hygienic and curious learners. Game Changers have an operating rigor where a lens is put on key issues and activities pertaining to an overarching need to improve women health & livelihood for the region. We visit villages to get to better understand the female community . Our aim is to interact with women of all age groups and encourage them to talk about their dreams, needs and expectations from life. We visit schools where we have workshops on mental health, menstrual hygiene, personal health and social interactions. We look to have insightful meetings in which we can share ways and means to better understand sexual behavior.

Medical Camp

Medical camps have been held in various areas of the Yamnotri valley. There is a lot of history in this area dating back to 3,102 BCE. This region has quaint customs, traditions and superstitions. 5 Medical Camps were conducted in Jhangeri and Srikot areas covering the nearby villages. HIMAID doctors provided medical care and follow-up treatment to patients. All medical camps were 2 days in duration. Surveys and recce trips to other villages were conducted to improve on protective preventive and primary healthcare focus. Click to know more …..

More about our campaigns…

At the regular monthly managing committee meetings of HIMAID, it was decided to look for new areas to expand our outreach, and incorporate school health programs as an additional activity. A survey was done at Damta and Barkot Click link to know more….





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